Maps & Diagrams by Chris Snow

Latest news and projects: 

I try to keep my social media bits up to date with latest news so please use the links at the bottom of the page to find these or if you don't use the dreaded socials then some of that stuff is here too

My other projects, videos and things are here

About me:

I grew up in Margate, right by the sea. I've moved about a bit since then but have spent about 14 years in Brighton. At the moment I'm living on a small holding in a remote pocket of Shropshire. 

I try to let my work follow what feels right to me and when it then sometimes connects with other people it feels great to be understood - at least partly.

I can accidentally spend hours exploring a beautiful woodland or a beautiful map. 

I get a good feeling from seeing a bird in its element or a painstakingly drawn 1950-60s textbook diagram. 

My phone is full of wobbly handheld videos made on journeys and of the sun flickering through trees.

I try to turn these moments into words, pictures, books or films.

I am always interested in commissioned work and intriguing projects - so please ask.

Thanks very much for your interest in my work
